Soul Search

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In span of moment

Somebody somewhere is making a victory lap as somewhere else someone is dejected on biting dust. “Honey I am home!!” somebody announces his arrival, “who is waiting for me?” someone wonders as they trudge their way home. Celebration of birth is accompanied by somebody passing away, somebody being rushed to emergency room elsewhere. At this moment somewhere someone prepared dinner, elsewhere someone enjoys lunch , and elsewhere a hungry man walks around wondered where his next meal will come from. As somewhere some convict is going to jail, someone walks out finishing sentence to enjoy freedom. If these are just a few things happening in Human world at a given moment .At a given moment in infinite universe , a Star collapses into black hole, while somewhere else another star is born , galaxies expand , galaxies contract, nuclear fission somewhere while fusion else where.
Within human body, cells are dying while new ones are born, some cell is ingesting nutrition while other is egesting waste.

Ever wondered if these diverse events occurring in concurrent mode happen in linear mode …. One event in universe at a given moment ..Think about it

Unsui 7:08 PM


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