Soul Search

Monday, November 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the catching up with pop culture.

Nearly 5 years ago during the holiday season in Minneapolis, I was witness to kids and grown ups alike standing in a serpentine queue for getting their copy of Harry Potter ,& never figured out what’s the whole fuss about, was witness to another serpentine queue yesterday for the latest movie from the Harry Potter Stable “The Goblet Of Fire” ,luckily my colleague managed to get a ticket of next show and in three hours that followed got chance to catch up with the Harry Potter tale. Though I should say sleek production, computer-graphics etc. The story is worth for all its flights of fancy, Wizards, and witches and the souls from dark worlds, definitely not worth to go overboard and hype and develop crazy.

The movie again raises question that I have raised quite a number of times of late about various hypes and crazes that storm our times.I guess we live in age with media, and information being shared instantly with boundaries across nations doesn’t really mean anything. Result being something that was worth of Gold went unnoticed or rather remain restricted to the specific audience it was targeted at, in post nineties with internet, & TV channels playing key role in influencing the opinion of people ,very ordinary things get hyped as very special and something that can just cut grade becomes all time classic.
So much for rant ……

Unsui 3:03 PM


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