Soul Search

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Friends: Grand Finale

Thursday was grand finale of sitcom Friends for benefit of those in India who follow this one very closely ,I won't be spoil sport by telling the ending.Only I would say It ended the way it was expected to.Not many surprises.But the spontaneity element was missing in the entire final season,& in last episode apart from Joey, rest of the gang was not in its elements and the way it was concluded the plot is very common place in many of Bollywood story lines.

What friends meant to me .... I started seeing various episodes sometime in 99-2000 & enjoyed their company ,especially the characters of Phoebe & Joey ,and to certain extend Chandler's Sarcasm.

Not wanting to sound judgmental I have seen this Sitcom had tremendous impact on the yuppie generation in urban India,especially for people whom friends became a standard of Cool & Non Cool People to hang around with,rather friends for Yuppies are just Bunch of People who are cool & with whom we have good time .

In that sense I had already outgrown for this sitcom to make any impact on my way ,and still stick with good old buddies few people who have supported me in thick & thin . All said and done I still had lighter moments watching Friends ,and I'll definitely not miss them as any old episode watched on it own still helps me unwind after a real long day at work .....

And I have my DVDs as usual when I want to watch My Friends . especially that hippie gal called Phoebe ....

Unsui 11:13 AM


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