Soul Search

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Meeting A Jerk

Warning Bell Rings as the Protective Bar Goes Down to Stop Traffic to cross the Rail Road .The Train Honks as it approaches the spot where the Road intersects the tracks.The Train is less than 100 meters and a Woman in 30's who walks to the Intersection Throws caution to Wind Just Dashes off right in front of approaching Train.The Driver performs his duty by Honking again .

The Luck is on lady's side today ,she crosses over .Like Many Other People at the Train station I'm spectator to this event .I'm seriously concerned ,so as the lady passes me.I asked "Whats the Hurry Madam,It was just a matter of couple of minutes?" Lady Turned Back and Yells "So What ? And Whats your concern You are not even an American ?" And Walks by without repent leaves me all embarrassed & Hurt .

I'm so very Hurt .But Looking back at the incident now I feel better .The lady was a stranger,I just expressed my concern what one human being has for other .But then around me I have so many People with whom I've a bonding relations ,friendship..... Some I see living dangerously ,squandering once in million possibility called life.People who are immensely talented ,but not living upto their potential.When I have chided them about their casual attitude.They have shot back "So What ? Its my Life!!!..... And given me a cold shoulder .And All I do is Pray for them ,that they realize to appreciate this once in million probability gift of life.And bring a shade of discipline in their lifestyle ,to do justice to their talents.....


Unsui 9:02 PM


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